Tuesday, 15 October 2019

My reflection

Sitting here reflecting on this project I’ve learned a lot for example the origin of the name of gif. Which comes from freaking peanut butter of all things!!! I also learned that gifs cannot lose their quality because the format. We learned these facts through online articles.

I also learned that I really enjoy working as part of a team. Working with Natalia and Flosie was a really refreshing way of working on a project because it was a very natural group and it came very naturally to bounce ideas off each other.

 I discovered that gifs have a long history that’s longer than I’ve been alive. The creator Steve Wilhite had some weird motivations behind the name. I also learned that making a good gif is a lot more difficult than it looks even if you are using a website like Giphy.com.

I’ve learned that I like working in a video format and wheatear that be creating an idea that needs to be filmed or being filmed I like that dynamic.

 Like in any project there are success’ and failure’s in this project some of the success’ would be the video in our presentation as it was a part where we all put all our energy into it. The failure I would say is my own gif’s as they are probably the weakest part of the presentation.  

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